
Thursday, October 27, 2011


yeah, 1 month semester break seriously made be soooooooooooooooooo boring owkeyh !!
doing nothing at home..eating, sleeping, facebooking,watching tv yg xde crite tu, ahhhh...boring tau x???
so, today i wanna fill my leisure time~
puah weyh ! ni baru hari ke brape cuti...lame lagi tu nk tunggu cuti habes~
boh la~ let's join me.. making something that called BAKAWALI which is one of my favourite...nyumm2

moh la kite ke dapur ye...

first of all, prepare the ingredients.....and we needs : 
tepung pulut, sugar, coconut milk, water, air kapur, and egg

and how??? ok, let's start making it :

a cup of sugar, 1 1/2 cup of concentrated coconut milk, half cup of water, an egg, and a little of air kapur are mix together in a bowl. 
then, put 1 kg of tepung pulut in it. mix well until become a smooth dough...*ingt,, doh jgn lembik sangt, klu lembik nnt die mengembang waktu mggoreng, so x cantik.. ^^
put in the mold and fried it until golden yellow...and tada !!!!!!!!! it's done~dah siap lah~ 
just cool down it and a crunchy bakawali is ready to be eaten... 

this is my mom recipe ~

tq and happy trying ! gerenti delicious ! 

hmmm.....feel a little xcited today bcoz one day of my semester break was filled with meaningful xtvt...huhu



My photo
Ni hao ! Wo shi suhaida . Ups, iam not chinese but in love with huayu :) kalau dapat kawen ngan chineseeee ; homaiiiiii . Kakaka °◆•◇▼←◇←○↓▶←•→ tingtong☆☆★
