
Saturday, May 28, 2011

perak dc

post kali ni nk share about drum competition yg kitorg join at perak on 16th may hari tu..'s done..
dan kitorg pon dah balik rumah masing2..huhu
lame jugak kitorg berlatih utk prtandingan kali ni...about 2 weeks...

ni kitorg prac kat medan ilmu..

lagi 2 hari prtndingan,, kitorg tukar tempat practice,,kat padang..
 coz kat perak nnt kitorg kene perform atas padang..

mak shera bawak pulut durian utk kitorg..nyum2...sedap..
thanks a lot mak cik~

ni plak time kitorg dah nk gerak pg perak...
alat2 dmasukkn dalam kotak dan masuk dlam bas.. 
dlm kol 10pg kitorg gerak..babaiii uitm mache~

yeah..this is the place..
tapi ni bandar si,,bukan uitm si...hehe

ni baru betol..petang kitorg sampai..dlm kol 6..
sampai2,,tgk dak2 uitm laen dah start practice,,x pe,,sabar~
lepas dftr,,relax2 kejap dlm bilik,,pastu turun makan..
pastu barulah kitorg practice..

lambat kitorg start practice..
biase la,,snare, bass, n rotto kene di tune kan dulu..bagi bunyi sedap..
dlm kol 11malam barula kitorg start blatih..ish2..lewat gile~!

esoknye kitorg sambung practice lagi..
tapi,,hari ni dpt practice half day je..
sebb ptg nnt ade rehearsal utk esok.. 

pkul 2 ptg kitorg trun utk rehearsal tu..
ni lah khemah utk kontinjen klantan..
bersebelahan ngan khemah tuan rumah, perak~

smentara nk tunggu rehearsal start,,
 kitorg melarm ambek gmbar dulu..
baju tu free tau..
semua yg terlibat ngan drum comp ni dapat baju tu..
so, utk rehearsal hari ni kitorg semua kene pakai baju tu..

rehearsal dah pon selesai..
ingtkan lepas tu nk practice lagi,,
sayang.. hujan trun dgn selebat2 nye..
ksian kitorg..

lebat gile hujan..lame plak tu..
habis kene bukak kasut..takut kasut basah..hehe
nak lari tempat laen pon x bole,,
tunggu je lah bawah khemah ni..sampai hujan brhnti~

mlm tu kitorg ade dinner..
dinner utk cabut no giliran utk perform esok..
kitorg dapat no 8..
hmm...ade 9 uitm kot semuanye~

ni lah kitorg.. 
mase ni nk masuk padang utk majlis perasmian..

kitorg perform dlm pkul 10.30 pagi...
lepas kitorg perform,, tinggal satu uitm je x perform lagi..
lepas habis semua ,, barulah majlis penutup / penyampaian hadiah diadakan..
tempat pertama disandang oleh uitm ganu,, diikuti uitm jengka dan uitm s.alam..
mmg dah agak da diorg menang..
kami??kami dpt tmpat ke-enam..
x pe la..ok pe..haha..good job guys~!
selesai sudah pertandingan percussion '1 beat 1 uitm' di bumi perak ni..

bergambar bersama kontinjen tuan rumah,, perak..

mmg ade chemistry la perak ngan klntan ni..
khemah bersebelahan, lagu pon same (bunyi gitar),
thn lepas mase pertandingan kat klntan,,uniform perak x siap ag,,
so, pinjam uniform lame uitm klantan..
tapi thn ni uniform diorg dah siap nmpknye~
wa,, bau kedai~!!hehe

ni plak bergambar dgn a part of dak2 uitm s.alam..
kitorg dah pnah jumpa dah sblm ni..
mase libb37..

ok,,tu je lah post kali ni..


Saturday, May 7, 2011

blik jugk akhirnya

hari kelime prctice with the band...
tomorrow is may 8 and i have to go back home bcoz my abg is kawen...
ya~lastly i have to go back jugak...well, i had said before that i can't go back home,, but feel pity with my mom...
hari tu mak ade call and asked me : adek x balik ke abg kawen nnt?, mak dah buatkan baju ni...with a sad tone, even mak x confess that her sad,,but i knew it...huhu..ok lah..adek balik ni...
ticket was bought yesterday and now just wait for mlm esok jah...thanks to kak yana coz her bought me a bus ticket..

this is the ticket...
ya allah mcm mmbazir je...RM129 untuk pg balik~!

p/s : guys,, sorry,,i kelik meta jah...1 hari...lusa i practice mula deh...hehhe
mak,,blik nnt nk claim duet tiket..hehe


Thursday, May 5, 2011

zebra sensation night

a black n white dinner for all commanders...also for our seniors who'll be saying good bye to us because they will grad from uitm mache...happening~!

with kak mia, shah n raz..
macam mane la bband when u guys not here nnt???

may 1st...will be miss this moment...
~love u all~


final dah abes..

you know what,, actually I can go back to Johor on April 26 because my final exam for this semester was finished so so so early...while other dip students finished their exam on may 1..but since May 16 i will play in a drum competition for my brass band at uitm seri iskandar, Perak, i have to forgotten my semester break yang x delah lame sangt~1 bulan je...a month break, yeah, that's not too long but it still a break and i want to go back to my home since 3 month here x kelik2...hmmm...but,, nevermind lah...if i back home,, for sure RM150 are flying away just for the bus ticket~haha

so,,i will stay here until may 13 and off to Perak on may 14...practice and practice and practice...INSYAALLAH,, if Allah willing,, we will win it band~!!..chiayok2



My photo
Ni hao ! Wo shi suhaida . Ups, iam not chinese but in love with huayu :) kalau dapat kawen ngan chineseeee ; homaiiiiii . Kakaka °◆•◇▼←◇←○↓▶←•→ tingtong☆☆★
